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English resources for KS2 and KS3
- Handwriting line guides | 3 guideline style, suitable for use with Nelson scheme.
- Handwriting line guides | 2 guideline style, suitable for more independent writers
- Spelling test lists for Year 3 – based on NLS words – Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term
- Spelling test lists for Year 4 – based on NLS words – Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term
- Spelling test lists for Year 5 – based on NLS words – Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term
- Spelling test lists for Year 6 – based on NLS words – Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term
- Spelling test lists for Year 7 – based on KS3 NS words – Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term
- Spelling test lists for Year 8 – based on KS3 NS words – Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term
Suggested reading books
- Suggested reading lists for Year R – Year 11
- Revision guides and books for the 11+ and 13+ Common Entrance exam
- Revision guides and books for 11+ entrance exams and SATS tests.
- Suggested reading list for 13+ Public School Scholarship exam candidates
- BURT reading test | A free and quick to administer reading test. Useful for screening which pupils need more in-depth diagnostic testing.
- BURT reading test administration guide.
- Schonell Reading test (with administration guide) | An alternative to the BURT test.
- Schonell Spelling test | Free and useful whole class diagnostic to use as an initial screen or for differentiation.
- VARK learning styles test – with answer sheet and scoring | Useful for gauging pupil preferences. Now very unfashionable, but interesting to look at.
- Further VARK learning style resources | Just don’t use the term ‘learning style’!
Resources for lessons and IWBs
- Anne Frank Trust UK Ltd | Great set of resources.
- Random Writing Prompt Generators | A writing prompt generator. (I’ve used this one a lot for quick starters)
- 501 Writing Prompts | Great resource for essay starters.
- 764 Free PowerPoint templates and backgrounds – High Quality | Great for enlivening the IWB.
- Free English Teacher Resources – By Geoff Barton. Great selection of free resources, which don’t rely on the textbooks.
- The Lesson by Roger McGough | A great poem for a one-off lesson.
- Michael Rosen: Story: What? How? What! Now? | Every English teacher should read this.
- Mock Trial Activity | Turn persuasive writing into court trials. Works well with PSE too.
- Pig Latin — An English to Pig Latin Translator | Do you teach Holes in Y7? Even if you don’t – a good language activity.
- Prompt Generators and resources | Good creative writing starter for IWBs. Look in the dynamic curriculum/language arts section.
- Storyboard template | Good for linear story planning.
- Teachit Timer | A large IWB countdown timer.
- Tagxedo – Great Tag Cloud creator which can be used for displays or creating calligrams/shape poems.
- Teach and consolidate the learning of apostrophes with this collection of appalling apostrophe misuse photographs. Can your pupils explain why the apostrophe has been used incorrectly, and suggest a correct usage? KS2 & KS3
Some resources for visual learning
- Flickr poet | An interesting and creative way of turning a short paragraph or lines of poetry into pictures. It’s almost a visual cut-up poetry creator. Useful to provide otherwise unexplored or not considered lines of thought. Good for IWBs.
- Flickr Five Card Trick | A visual version of ‘five-card nancy‘ – where five pictures are chosen at random to provide a visual impetus for a story. Cards can be kept, and others discarded until the germ of an idea is there for planning. Played as a game in a small group – rules are here – five card nancy is a great way for a reluctant writer to create narrative ideas. Useful for IWBs and really useful with tablets.
- Spell with Flickr | An application that spells words using pictures from Flickr. Good for creating displays or interesting headers for projects – or a ‘wanted’ style poster.
Resources for SATS, 11+ and 13+ Common Entrance English
- Past & specimen papers for Common Entrance are available to purchase here
- Common Entrance English Syllabus ( Includes marks scheme)
- Common Entrance English 11+ regulations and notice to invigilators
- Common Entrance English 13+ regulations and notice to invigilators
- Free and downloadable SATS papers for KS1, KS2, and KS3.
- Registration form for parents (For use when pupil’s school does not offer Common Entrance preparation.)
Resources for Scholarship and 11+ and 13+ Independent School Entrance exams
- City of London School 11+ entrance exam sample questions
- Colfe’s School 11+ and 13+ entrance exam papers
- Dulwich College 11+ and 13+ entrance exam and scholarship specimen papers
- Emmanuel School sample 11+ Entrance paper
- Eton College KS (Scholarship) papers (13+)
- Highgate School sample 11+ and 13+ entrance exam papers
- Mill Hill School 13+ entrance exam papers
- Radley College – past 13+ scholarship papers
- Reigate Grammar School 13+ exam sample questions
- Royal Hospital School 13+ entrance paper
- The Leys School 13+ entrance exam papers
- The North London Girls’ Independent Schools Consortium sample 11+ entrance tests
- The Perse School 13+ entrance exam papers
- Warwick School sample 11+ entrance papers