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English resources for KS2 and KS3



Creative writing in KS2/3

Suggested reading books


Resources for lessons and IWBs

Some resources for visual learning

  • Flickr poet | An interesting and creative way of turning a short paragraph or lines of poetry into pictures. It’s almost a visual cut-up poetry creator. Useful to provide otherwise unexplored or not considered lines of thought. Good for IWBs.
  • Flickr Five Card Trick | A visual version of ‘five-card nancy‘ – where five pictures are chosen at random to provide a visual impetus for a story. Cards can be kept, and others discarded until the germ of an idea is there for planning. Played as a game in a small group – rules are here – five card nancy is a great way for a reluctant writer to create narrative ideas. Useful for IWBs and really useful with tablets.
  • Spell with Flickr | An application that spells words using pictures from Flickr. Good for creating displays or interesting headers for projects – or a ‘wanted’ style poster.

KS2 and KS3 literacy

Resources for SATS, 11+ and 13+ Common Entrance English

Resources for Scholarship and 11+ and 13+ Independent School Entrance exams

Other websites with useful English resources